The Swiss curriculum for compulsory schools exists in three versions: as “Lehrplan 21” in the German speaking area, as “Plan d’Etudes Romand” in the French speaking part and as “Piano di Studio del Cantone di Ticino” in the Italian speaking part. The three curricula are built around sets and subsets of general and specific competencies, but represent them in a different structure. This is also the case for aspects regarding digitization. The curricula contain the transversal module Media and Computer Science (Medien und Informatik, “MI”) which is supposed to ensure a systematic development of related competencies, both connected to usage and critical reflection. The descriptions for all subjects may indicate areas where the link to MI competencies is compulsory, but in practice these links may not always be exploited, due to the complexity of the curriculum, the relative freedom of schools and teachers in terms of implementing it - which also is a result of federalism and multiculturalism traditionally inherent in Swiss education - or constraints in digital infrastructure or skills. In music, digital competencies are often only implied through application examples. Regarding the subsection of instrumental competencies, digital tools and media get more explicitly named and linked to MI competencies, e.g. the use of apps, smartphone and keyboard and the use of music software, recording, processing and sequencing of sound arrangements. Also in the domain “creation processes” (German) or “expression” (French/Italian version) digital technologies occasionally are more explicitly suggested and linked to MI. However, competencies related to music listening or movement are not linked to digital skills at all, even if accessible tools to foster analytical listening or movement tracking do exist. This raises questions regarding the criteria for including links to digital tools and MI in some areas, and not in others.
Nom de la manifestation
28th EAS/8th ISME European Regional Conference Music is what people do
Date(s) de la manifestation
24-27 March 2021
Ville de la manifestation
Freiburg i. B. (en ligne)
Pays de la manifestation
Portée de la manifestation